Thunderous teleport 5e
Thunderous teleport 5e

Uriel has Craft Wondrous Item and has made 2 Healing Belts for the group, but our group has been hesitant to spend more time not gaining EXP. Once he completes his personal quest, he'll rebuild around level 8 (with GM permission of course) to Druid5/Planar Shepherd of LamanniaX.

thunderous teleport 5e

Wild Shape recently happened and Natural Spell came to him last session. He's a bit of everything aside from traps and scouting. Our main party (who just got an opportunity to level to 6 last session) has been. We have a party of 6 PCs, 1 animal companion, 1 GMPC helper, and some NPCs in the background we could rotate in if we wanted. He just wrapped around the other side like he were in a Pac-Man maze. Flying for prolonged periods to escape this island proved impossible for the last Wizard who tried it. (Our group of level 6ish can't do that yet.) It is open to planar travel (like via plane shift) for those who can access such abilities. There is exactly one working ship on or near this island, but it's a highish level quest for us to get it. There's one intact town (Frostfall), one ruined town (Old Frostfall), and a buncha adventure sites. This is an isle where prisoners are sent, meaning civilization's resources are scarce.

thunderous teleport 5e

The terrain has been a combination of mountains, swamps, snowy plains, snowy forests, and one desert. The GM's map of Nymm makes it to be between about 300 miles and 400 miles across The island is Nymm in the Faerun setting. I read this feat before but forgot about it when making this post originally. Regarding feats, Dderwydd Chymdeithas Initiate was what I wanted (and my character Uriel will likely take it after rebuilding post-personal quest) to have teleport available at L9. I have read the spell lists for Druid spell level 7 and below and wanted further input. I'm well aware of Eggynack's Guide and have referred to it extensively while building and playing this character. Note that a DM can always make a different ruling, but as often the rules are fairly indulgent with the player and I would let them stand that way.Thanks, all, for your suggestions! Some (like valiant steed) I'd never heard about or seriously considered before.

#Thunderous teleport 5e Pc

So, in that case, it's the player controlling the PC who decides, and he will probably decide that the damage occurs before he reappears. For example, if two effects occur at the end of a player character’s turn, the player decides which of the two effects happens first." If two or more things happen at the same time on a character or monster’s turn, the person at the game table - whether player or DM - who controls that creature decides the order in which those things happen. In rare cases, effects can happen at the same time, especially at the start or end of a creature’s turn. There already was a rule in the PH about simultaneous spells, but Xanathar made it clear: "Most effects in the game happen in succession, following an order set by the rules or the DM.

thunderous teleport 5e

So we obviously have "simultaneous effects", and the disappearance can be considered specifically separate from the reappearance (otherwise the description would have been "immediately after you reappear"). All the effects (the disappearance, the reappearance and the thunder damage) are instantaneous because the spell is and because the thunder damage occurs "immediately after you disappear".

Thunderous teleport 5e